Saturday 9 March 2013

Phenomenal Woman: Lungisa Mkosi

At just 22,Lungisa Mkosi has made her mark in the radio world as Link Fm’s Lunch Time show presenter. Through her radio show, she has inspired many people to strengthen their relationships with Christ and she also continues to spread the Gospel outside of work. Her humble and charismatic nature has maintained her loyal listeners and even attracted a hype around her show. 

1.       As a child what did you want to be?

I wanted to be a doctor a singer and an actress... no not at different stages of my life. I mean right up until I was 17 I believed I could be all three at the same time as in be an actual doctor and a singer slash actress at the same time hahahahahaha. I still don’t understand why I can’t-why must I do one at a time.

2.       Do you think your bubbly character had an influence in you choosing Radio?

I think because of this radio chose me. It really was pure serendipity that I chose radio. I was not looking to go into radio when I bumped into the station manager of Link fm and he suggested that I do radio.        

3.       Why did you specifically study Journalism?

I chose journalism because I had been working at Link fm for two months and I realised how much I enjoyed it and I wanted to explore the other areas in the media industry.

4.       Have you had any doubts about your career path?

I have had doubts, I have often thought what if things do not work out and often I have asked God to send signs to show that things will work out and everytime he has done so, I say this because everytime I doubt something amazing happens that confirms that my decision to do radio and study journalism was the right thing at the right time.

5.       How did you get your first chance on Radio?

My friends were making a promo video in 2009 for an event.  They asked me a few minutes before if I wouldn’t mind filling in for somebody who could not make it that day. I was not overjoyed at the idea, but I did it because they are my friends. There were other people in the room while we were recording the video. Once I was done the manager of Link fm came up to me and asked if I was interested in doing some radio work. I laughed and walked away thinking he was insulting my acting or saying that I shouldn’t be seen on camera I should only be heard. He then introduced himself as the station manager and said he would give me a call when there was an opening. I thought he was trying to make up for implying I should be heard and not seen and didn’t think he would really give me  a call, but two weeks later he called me and I started two days after that as a news reader without any radio back ground.

6.       What specifically drove you to a Christian Radio Station?

Well it was just that moment of serendipity meeting the station manager of Link FM in that way. If it were another station sure I would have taken the job, but I have stayed at Link FM because there is so much here that other stations do not have to offer. Not only is it a community of interest station but they are aware of the geographical community that they are situated in and this adds a lovely flavour to what they choose to do and how they choose to do it. I like a challenge and I have learnt so much about radio from the challenges that an amazing station like this has to face to make things as great as they are.

7.       Have you had any bloopers on air?

Yes plenty, I was meant to be talking about Benny McCarthy in a news bulletin and instead I called him Benny Hinn and that was in soccer news imagine Benny Hinn on the soccer field in his white suit with his body guards around the field, that thought just came into mind and I just laughed.

8.       How do you juggle varsity and work?

Hahahahahahha, I take it day by day, it is not something everybody can do, it definitely is not easy, but I have not had a university experience where I have not worked so I don’t know any different so I have just had to deal with it day by day and each day has added up to my Btech year... so that is how...hahahahaha I know I have not really answered the question. I suppose the real answer is grace, it is by the grace of God that I have been able to do this, grace is always available.

9.       Why have you chosen to study further?

I value education. I don’t think that education guarantees a job, because I was working without any previous media studies education, but I do believe that it is valuable especially if you are interested in that field you are studying and because of my interest and my involvement in journalism I chose to study it further.

10.   What would you still like to accomplish?

Oh my goodness plenty, I would love to do live MCing. I would also love to be a part of creating an environment in media that values honour and integrity. Right now they main focus is the availability of information and the fascination is the efficiency of media distributors and who can get the latest news out the fastest. So I would love to see how media can be used in a more positive uplifting and beneficial way for all. Sounds cliché but it is the truth and how I feel.

11.   For a young girl who is inspired by Lungi, what advice would you give them to get where you are?

Be yourself always, there is plenty of inspiration that comes from looking up to people, but it is sooooooo important to be yourself. When you focus on trying to be you and living out the life you were destined to live as yourself great freedom comes from that place and you find that you have a way that is different to others and because of that people will want what you have. Also believe that you will make it in life and that you will succeed in everything that you do. Believe that you are amazing and that you are a blessing to all who meet you and appreciate others and listen to the good they have to say about you and in return draw out the treasure in them, that way life is beautiful.

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