Tuesday 16 April 2013

Reading List: Eyebags and Dimples

Eyebags and Dimples is a detailed account of Bonnie Henna’s rise and falls. Her life under the media-scope has been filled with so much negativity, and yet her side to all the biased stories has never been taken. Her autobiography gives us, as the readers an opportunity to understand her life and why the media portrayed her as a 'bad influence'. I read an autobiography once and I couldn’t even finish it because it felt like a timeline of that particular person’s life. It was boring and lacked personality-and from that day I vowed never to read an auto EVER. I came across Bonnie Henna’s Eyebags and Dimples when a friend of mine, who is an avid reader recommended I read Eyebags and Dimples. I was a bit reluctant at first since Khanyi Mbau and Kelly Khumalo had also released autos (I honestly felt like all the divas were trying to get media attention). 

I had watched Bonnie’s performance on Catch a Fire and I was impressed at how she had maintained her ‘look’ from the Backstage days, and so I decided to read Eyebags and Dimples. I am still in reverence of Eyebags and Dimples, which tackles Bonnie’s battle with depression and her ability to surrender and trust in God. The autobiography can also be viewed as a manual for women who are looking to clear their lives of emotional clutter and baggage. It’s a stimulating read offering lessons in every chapter. 

Eyebags and Dimples is written by Bonnie and because of that, the reader is able to mourn, cry and rejoice with her. Bonnie’s style is clear and intimate, and she's not afraid of reliving her weakest moments. She's also sharp enough to realize that the auto needed to be raw in order to fulfill its purpose to educate. Eyebags and Dimples uncovers the most painful experiences as they are (and Bonnie doesn’t mollify anything including her mother’s parenting). Bonnie is blessed to have Sisa by her side, and their marriage is a testimony of perseverance, strength and love. 

In the end, I felt as though I had a conversation with Bonnie and I would advise every woman to get herself a copy of Eyebags and Dimples. Bonnie educated me about depression and at times I felt like I was reading about my symptoms. Eyebags and Dimples is a remedy for restoring your relationship with Christ, learning to forgive those who had made you feel unworthy and letting go of unhealthy relationships.

-Andisiwe Mtengwane

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